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<< atgalLPSDPS chairman elected into the UNI committee


LPSDPS chairman Aleksandras Posochovas took part in the international global service industry trade union organization - UNI Global Union Congress, which took place on November 9-12, in Nagasaki (Japan).

2,200 trade union organization leaders from around the world elected for two years term the new president of UNI, it was Joe de Bruyn from Australia, and re-elected secretary-general Philip Jennings. A. Posochovas became a member of the UNI Executive Committee which represent the Baltic countries and Central Europe.

Congress delegates were welcomed by Japan's prime minister, the mayor of Nagasaki.

"The main theme of the congress - break (breaking through) - commented Mr. Posochovas. - Many talked about the need for governments to stop to please the banks and turn around to the people."

Delegates endorsed an ambitious plan of action for four years, which focused on membership growth and the realization of trade unions rights to negotiate collective agreements.

Considerable attention in Congress was given for Peace theme. The whole more than two thousand participant delegation marched two kilometers to the memorial, which was built at the place as a tribute to the memory of those people killed during the atomic bomb explosion. Resolution was adopted by the parties for peace with request of withdrawal of atomic weapons.

The next UNI congress will be held in 2014 in Cape Town (South Africa).

"UNI Global Union was established in 2000, when four international organizations became the founders of it. LPSDPS is a UNI member since 2007

This international organization unites 900 trade organizations, which includes 20 million service sector workers.

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