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News in English

A new project in security sector


On September 16-17, LPSDPS Chairman Aleksandras Posochovas and Vice-Chairman Darius Šalaviejus in Gdansk (Poland) took part in the preparatory project "Security employees organizing in the trade union" meeting.

In a project of Polish trade union Solidarnosc, together with the European Commission will participate the trade unions of ten new EU countries. Within one year, it will develop the strategy how to attract new members and its implementation plan, which will attempt to apply in practice.
Conferences will be held in each of the participating countries, which will discuss the country's security sector characteristics, will seek a collaborative effort to establish an operational plan. T the end of the year in Brussels (Belgium) the final, evaluation conference will take place.

The main project expert - global trade union organization UNI security industry leader Alice Dale.

A. Posochovas after the meeting said that he was pleased that the project was able to include security sector of Estonia and Latvia, because until now the trade union activities in this area has been relatively slow.


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