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News in English

<< atgalIn RIMI conflict this time was managed to solve in peace


In “Rimi Lithuania" last December in good faith cooperation from both sides was bargained and signed the first collective agreement. But this year's spring trade union center received a slap in the face. According to its chairman Pavel Kaplevskis, during a lunch break at the computer given by administration to union gathered union committee members and got disciplinary action. Union had to go to court, the administration gave up and this time was succeeded in resolving the conflict peacefully.

On these and similar challenges facing employees’ and employers' representatives in the commerce sector spoke Lithuanian service workers trade union chairman Aleksandras Posochovas at bilateral regional conference in Helsinki.
Motive of disciplinary action to Rimi Lithuania trade union leader and committee members – the meeting was not discussed with administration and that interfered the work of the shopping center.
Additionally, the penalty levied on elected workers' union representatives without the consent of trade unions. The administration did not respond to the letter and the Labour dispute commission. It is made up of equal numbers of employee and employer representatives. The employer is required by law to do this.
“We did not receive any response so we had to go to court. Apparently, after received notification from the court Rimi executives invited to meet. They proposed that all workers disciplinary action would be terminated if the union will take back the appeal to court - said P. Kaplevskis. - The management acted in good faith, so we decided to call it off and solve this time in peaceful manner." 
Interview with the highest “Rimi Lithuania" leaders have been generous, employees' representatives even received an offer in supermarkets infostands to hang the trade union information.
What happen that partners after signing a collective agreement black cat runs across the path? Union leader says that it was important to sign a collective agreement for both sides: employers had to justify socially responsible company’s name, and union had to position themselves as representatives of the employees. "After the signing they (the administration - ed.) probably thought that none of us wants more, and so relaxed," - consider Pavelas. Well, the union has shown it’s strenght.

Lithuanian service workers' trade union, where Rimi Lithuania is affiliated, chairman Aleksandras Posochovas say that very often at the highest level leadership of international companies, especially if they are foreigners, do not know the real situation in separate units. Apparently, similar happened to "Rimi". For the warming of relations, probably helped the fact that the union described the situation in English to the CEO of “Rimi Lithuania" Tony Holmberg.
The situation overall in Lithuania and in the commercial sector spoke of A. Posochovas on June 14-15, at an international trade organization UNI held discussion of workers 'and employers' representatives. In the event of Baltic and Nordic countries representatives where also scientists attended they talked about the joint training of partners. The chairman had an opportunity to inform about the situation in Lithuania head of “Rimi Baltic” Personnel Department that participated in the event.
The main theme of the meeting - motivation, skills building, loyalty to the company. A. Posochovas in his speech highlighted the vast differences between the North and Baltic countries of cooperation: "in the Western countries they talk about joint management and worker skills building, improving the qualification, while in our countries employers still do not understand what is social dialogue. So there is difficult to talk about some single model for Europe sort of training.”
Summarizing all the discussion it is considered as a priority to have the development of social dialogue in the new European Union countries and to allocate resources for training of social partners. In a two-year project foreign experts, researchers will present the main principles of social dialogue for workers and employers of these countries.


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