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<< atgalIn Statoil already fourth collective agreement signed


UAB ‘Lietuvos Statoil’ in 2002 signed one of the first collective agreements in Lithuania. Every two years it has been improved. This year, on November 27, is the fourth signed collective agreement.


For more than 10 years at the company trade union exist. It’s chairman Aleksandras Posochovas said that Statoil could be considered as an example of socially responsible companies.

"Together we try to address issues and help each other on all issues. Even in difficult times, we demonstrate unity and that helped us to overcome difficulties and even earn a profit, "- said the Chairman. 

Trade unions and management leaders meet once a quarter to discuss company's situation, considering where most attention should be to drawn, where to concentrate efforts on both sides.

With the trade union all important company issues are consulted: social, wages policy, and consulted also on painful things when they had to dismiss employees. The adoption of a law prohibiting night sale of liquor, made significant blow to petrol station market, about 20 percent of employees has been released. "About 100 people lost their jobs, but everything was coordinated with the union, they left the job with all the guarantees, no violations", - said the trade union leader.

According to him, when a normal mutual understanding between the union and the employer exists, all difficulties can be overcome: "Of course, we sometimes disagree, company units sometimes have misunderstandings, but we exchange information and think together how can we deal with one or another problem. "

On 27 of November in employees’ conference Statoil Company's CEO Morten Christensen presented this year's economic situation, Statoil's position in Lithuania and on the international arena. Personnel director Saule Balciuniene reviewed the collective agreement points that improve workers' conditions, which were bargained in the negotiations.

A. Posochovas talked about good example of social dialogue ongoing in company. Occupational safety committee and its activities were renewed, it was agreed that it should not be just formal; it is necessary to focus on the prevention of accidents.

"The level, which is raised in Statoil, compels me to seek the same results in other companies - trade, security, or gaming," - said A. Posochovas, who chairs also the Lithuanian Service Workers Trade Union.

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